Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Update September 24th 2021
To You, Dear Racers
Dear athletes,
Fiery leaves of a new Fall are back right on time for this 2021 edition of Canada Man/Woman. We feel enthusiasts and plan on offering you an uncommon experience, involving few adjustments and a good sense of adaptation.
Vaccinal passport
As it has been announced lately and due to Sanitary guidelines put in place by the Quebec Government Office, the vaccinal passport will be mandatory for our athletes, support team members and the crowd/visitors as it is for every event counting more than 50 individuals as ask by Quebec Gouvernment.
*Vaccinnal proof is mandatory to take the start of the 2022 Canada Man/Woman
Transition zone
For this special edition, make sure to properly plan your arrival in the transition zone whether you are an Xtri athlete or a Sprint athlete. When you’ll enter the zone, on you scheduled race day and time, you will not be granted permission to go back and leave this zone.
Your commitment
We wish to acknowledge the commitment you made for yourself and regarding your training in the past year and a half, but also regarding the Canada Man/Woman. You’re on the way and are still getting ready despite the changes this Pandemic brought to us and the current restrictions that are applying. Endurance Aventure’s team is proud to have the opportunity to welcome you in Lac Megantic area this and to allow you to experience this uncommon adventure under an adaptative mode.
Sprint – 2 octobre
- The Race Manual will not be modified anymore, therefore, you’ll find it by clicking here and will be able to review every change recorded for the Sprint.
- On Saturday, October 2nd, you’ll have to be well prepared and ready once you enter the transition zone as you will not be allowed to get out of it afterwards.
- Please note that Quebec Triathlon Federation might oblige swimmers to wear a neoprene wetsuit, on Saturday morning, right before the swim. We also recommend you to wear neoprene accessories such as gloves, shoes/socks, tuque, etc.
Touristic Station of BAIE-DES-SABLES arrival for your scheduled starting time:
8h00 : Bibs501 à 650
8h05: Bibs561 à 620,
8h10: Bibs621 à 680
8h15: Bibs681 à 730
***Thanks for showing up right on time to get ready to go.***
9h00 : Pre-race meeting (Meeting will be recorded)
No activities planned for Canada Man/Woman
8h00 – 9h00: Arrival on site attributed to you up here (Parc de la Baie-des-Sables, 2370 chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
9h00: Wave starts (Parc de la Baie-des-Sables, 2370, chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
Xtri- October 3rd
Few more informations
- The Race Manual will not be modified anymore, therefore, you’ll find it by clicking here. and will be able to review the previous changes to Xtri.
- With the upcoming Fall Season and its fiery trees, weather conditions are up for great variations too, so are we, meaning our nights might get much colder. Therefore, the neoprene wetsuit, the light and the inflatable swim buoy will be MANDATORY FOR EVERY AND ALL XTRI PARTICIPANTS. Neoprene accessories are also strongly recommended (gloves, shoes/socks, tuques, etc.).
- You must also plan on bringing warm clothing (coat, gloves, hats, etc.) and maybe a blanket for you and your support team to keep you warm as you all reach the summit of Mont Megantic. Nature and the conditions can make themselves quite surprising!
- As you know, the Xtri racecourse goes across National Park of Mont Megantic. Your registration for Canada Man/Woman Xtri covers entrance fees for 2 (one for you and one for your support team member). You’ll find your bib number and your expected arrival time in the transition zone on Saturday, October 2nd.
17h00 : 1 à 20 – 17h15: 21 à 40 – 17h30: 41 à 60
17h45 : 61 à 80 – 18h00: 81 à 100 – 18h15: 101 à 120
18h30 : 121 à 140 and up
18h45 : If you cannot make it at the time scheduled according to your bib number, you can come in at 18:45.
Great news for your summit!
We’re excited to finally announce that your family and relatives will be allowed and more than welcome to catch a shuttle bus in order to greet you once you get closer and reach the finish line at the summit of Mont Megantic!
Using a little bit of adaptation here too, you will benefit from the support and the presence of your loved ones once you get to the stars, up high.
Here is our protocol to make sure it all works out:
1. Access ticket (day pass)
Everyone wishing and planning on spending time on the Xtri race course in Megantic National Park area and/or at the summit of Mont Megantic (runners finish) has to:
Buy a day pass for October 3rd, for National Park of Mont-Megantic and do so BEFORE the bike deposit time slot, Saturday October 2nd, 5:00 pm.
This ticket can be purchased right away here. If you already have in your possession a year-round pass for SEPAQ parks or have subscribed for a Megantic Park annual pass, your access is granted during the CANADA MAN/WOMAN event.
2. Vaccinal pass
Everyone (athletes and support teams) is requested to carry his vaccinal passport on the site/racecourse.
3. Bracelets as vaccinal proof will be given to the athletes and to one support team member.
As you will make your bike sage to the assigned space for it, on October 2nd (Saturday), we will ask you to show your vaccinal passport (athletes and support team members – two bracelets are included in your registration file). A bracelet will be given to you after once your passport is validated and you’ll have to wear as you go through the race.
4. Bracelets (testimony for vaccinal proof) for visitors and support teams of the athletes
From 5 :00 pm, Saturday, October 2nd (bike deposit site), the vaccinal passport will be mandatory. We will give you a bracelet to prove and confirm we looked at it. You will also have to purchase a day pass for October 3rd (Sunday) to be able to access the Park then. Please carry with you your receipt (proof you bought your access) as you take the shuttle to the summit of Mont Megantic.
*** Your day pass will be checked by the SEPAQ employees on race day so make sure you really carry it with you! ** **
As we keep in mind everyone’s safety, we will align with SEPAQ’s request and insure there isn’t too many people gathering at the summit. We then invite you to get up there according to the timing of your athlete’s arrival, to share a moment with him/her, a meal and then take the shuttle to be driven back down the mountain.
Trois octobre, à l'arrivée du Xtri:
Deux Caribous will wait for you at the summit!
When you’ll get to Mont-Megantic’s summit, you and your assistant will receive a meal (paid with your registration fees). If your visitors also wish to share a meal with you at the summit, they will have the opportunity to find some great food! Please make sure everyone has cash in hand as the Interac system isn’t always that effective up there.
11H00: Race meeting (meeting will be recorded)
18H00 – 20h00: Bike deposit in the transition zone.
5H30: Arrival of athletes int the Baie des Sables parking lot ( Baie des Sables, 2370 chemin du Lac, Lac Mégantic)
6H15: Wave Starts of the Canada Man/Woman ( Baie-des-Sables beach, 2370, chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
SPARK NUTRITION, created in 2017 by Jeff Verreault, Kinesiology M.Sc and canadian cyclist, has given itself the mission to push the limits of sports nutrition through science and to develop the best nutritional products to offer to an athlete. Partner for the event, SPARK NUTRITION gives athletes a 25% discount for every purchase of 75$ or more. To benefit from this discount. Simply use the promo code CANADAXTRI_25.
April 15th 2020 Update
To You, Dear Racers
Dear athletes,
The Canada Man/Woman event will soon take place alongside Fall season! We are pleased to welcome you and to offer you a unique experience on the Canada Man/Woman route. We’ll be there for you to support you all the way through the end of this incredible adventure. Speaking about it, we’ve made few adjustments to this October edition such as modifications to the course planning, preparation and equipment.
Adaptation is a recurring aspect of every Xtriexperience and we can’t embark on these challenges without bringing it on board with us. October’s first weekend is one of Fall most beautiful ones, but it can also show us important temperature variations, inviting cold rain, snow, hail, wind, hot temperatures, etc. Therefore, you’ll need to prepare yourself regarding these conditions and carry a variety of clothes to make sure you can carry on with, at least, a little bit of comfort. Fatigue will be part of the journey and, considering weather changes, it can also impact your needs in equipment and clothing. So we strongly recommend: gloves, hats, shoe protection and every other accessory or garment you could think about to keep you on track and run to the finish line.
An adventure like this requires you to evaluate your route, as you know, to reassess your goals if necessary and to manage the plan according to what’s going on and what’s ahead of you. Dealing with the unknow and making adaptations if you need to, such as giving yourself a little break to dress with warmer clothes or eat something soothing can change everything and drive you even better to the end of this world (the Observatory!).
Our recommandations: take good care, train in harsh weather, unfamiliar terrains, conditions, etc., keeping in mind your securityis important. It will also be part of our major concerns as you thrive to reach your goal.
In terms of swimming equipment, you will need to have a (floating) swim buoy and a wetsuit for the swim, to know there will be no room (tent) to change and that you will be on your own regarding ways to keep yourself warm throughout the day. wetsuitfor the swim, to know there will be no room (tent) to change and that you will be on your own regarding ways to keep yourself warm throughout the day.
You will find all the modifications below in this email.

***As newly required by the Public Health of Quebec, Vaccination Passport is mandatory for racers, crew teams and others. ***
Sprint – 2 octobre
- An online pre-race briefing is scheduled for you on September 25th, 9 am. The link will be on the website.
- There won’t be any registration before race day (meaning nothing happens on Friday).
- Entrance on the site will be allowed from 8 am on Saturday and racers will start in little groups from 9 am. Your starting time will be assigned to you and chosen by your bib number. (An email will be sent shortly regarding your start posisition)
- Regarding Saturday morning. Your transition zone spot will be assigned to you by your bib number too and you’ll get to the starting line by groups of four or five, starting every five second. (An email will be ent shortly)
- We will provide you with your bib, t-shirt, meal coupon and bag on Saturday morning too at the entrance of the transition.
- Course modifications:
- SWIM: 500 m
- RUN: 6,2 km
- BIKE: same as previously planned
9H00: Pre-race meeting (Meeting will be recorded)
No activities planned for Canada Man/Woman
8H00 – 9H00: Arrival on site (Parc de la Baie-des-Sables, 2370, chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
9H:00: Wave starts (Parc de la Baie-des-Sables, 2370, chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
Xtri- 3 octobre
- An online pre-race briefing is scheduled for you on September 25th, 11 am. The link will be on the website.
- Nothing happens on Friday, you will receive your racing bibs and timing chips at the transition on Saturday.
- Bike deposit will be opened in Baie-des-Sables (transition zone) on Saturdaybetween 6 pm and 8 pm. You will receive a bag containing your essentials for the race.
- Transition zone will be opened on Sunday, October 3rd, from 5:30 am. When you’ll be in, you will not be allowed to go out.
- Startwill be given in small groups (4 to 5 swimmers) at 6:15 at Baie-des-Sables.
- Swimmerswill be asked to complete two loops, each one being 1 km length, for a total of 2km. Cut off will be effective at the 30 minutes mark and every swimmer who will not have been able to complete the loops will not be reported as DNF, but will receive a 1 hour penalty added to the race time instead.
- For this year, we have to cancel the award banquet on Monday. That means the event finishes when you reach the summit!
11H00: Race meeting (meeting will be recorded)
18H00 – 20h00: Bike deposit in the transition zone.
5H30: Arrival of athletes int the Baie des Sables parking lot ( Baie des Sables, 2370 chemin du Lac, Lac Mégantic)
6H15: Wave Starts of the Canada Man/Woman ( Baie-des-Sables beach, 2370, chemin du Lac, Lac-Mégantic, QC)
April 15th 2020 Update

Some numbers and statistics in the Mégantic region at the beginning of October
Average temperature for the Lac-Mégantic region:
Maximum temperature: 16 ° C
Minimum temperature: 4 ° C
Average temperature: 13.9 ° C
Temperature at the top of Mont-Mégantic: Cold !!
Don’t forget your tuque and warm clothes!
The Canada Man / Woman is a great human and sporting adventure out of the ordinary for athletes, assistants and their families. Thank you to all of you, athletes, partners and volunteers who are ready to adapt, even if it is not always easy, to make the event possible this fall.
We are all looking ahead and aiming for the summit of Mont-Mégantic with you!
The Canada Man/Woman Team

April 15th 2020 Update
Hello to all participants of the Canada Man / Woman of Lac-Mégantic 2020.
First, we very much hope that you are doing well in the current situation.
We took out time to write to you because the situation changed very quickly and almost daily.
We have been working hard over the last few weeks to try and come to the best decision for the athletes, the volunteers, the suppliers and of course the local community. We have made the decision to postpone the event to 2021, from July 3 to 6, 2021.
Note that your registration is automatically renewed for 2021 and that no action on your part is required.
We are aware that there is no unanimous decision, but the situation requires exceptional measures on our part in accordance with government directives, because the first issue is obviously everyone’s safety.
The organization would like to thank you, the athletes, for your support, and would also like to thank all the partners who are ready to adapt (even if it is not easy!) to make logistically possible the postponement of this event.
We wish you, despite the circumstances, a great summer that will allow you to do your favorite sports!
The Canada Man/Woman Team
P.S. If you have personal stories of adventures, training or others, do not hesitate to send them to us so we can share them on our social networks!
March 24th 2020 Update
Hello to all participants of the CanadaMan / Woman of Lac-Mégantic 2020.
First, we would like to offer our moral support to all our friends who live this situation across the planet. The world of triathlon and endurance sport is a big family and we are very touched by the situation that affects us all.
The current situation goes way beyond triathlon, sport and competition. It is the greatest challenge that our world has known since WWII. We have to be united and help each other.
It is in this context that we are writing to update you on Canada Man / Woman 2020. We are monitoring the situation closely, which is changing rapidly and daily.
We will communicate with all participants by email on April 17 to update us on the situation.
Know that we are actively working on different alternatives in order to be able to hold a safe event for everyone.
We very much hope that you will be able to play outside despite the situation! For those who are in confinement, here is the latest film produced by Endurance Aventure to change your mind!
All together, let’s fight this virus and keep our distances!
The Canada Man/Woman team